Hibari 探究プロジェクト - 雲雀丘学園中学校・高等学校

グローバル教育〔 地球的規模で考える 〕


2021年度 第2回即興型英語ディベート

On July 21st (Wed.), the second English Parliamentary Debate Association (PDA) session was held. This time, students were told to try hard to use Points of Interest (POIs), especially to clarify what the opposing team had said in order to rebut those ideas later in the debate. They were also reminded to continue improving their speech delivery by making more eye contact. Finally, to develop their teamwork, students were kept in the same teams of three or four members, but they faced different opponents.

The first debate motion was "School summer holidays should be shortened" and the second was "A pet tax should be introduced." Overall, students debated actively and showed improvements in POIs, eye contact, and teamwork. They did report, however, that they found the second motion to quite challenging as it wasn't a topic they had experience of thinking about. In this way, they are finding one of the main challenges of parlimentary debate!

  • POI Practice POI Practice.jpg
  • Getting Ready Getting Ready.jpg
  • Debating Debating.jpg
