ESS部 Hanshin ESS Union General Assembly
On Saturday June 10th, five of our first year senior high school students went to Kwansei Gakuin Senior High School to take part in the Hanshin ESS Union General Assembly. This is a meeting held in June every year when the union schools' judges take part in a meeting to decide contest dates, pay membership fees, and so on. While that meeting is happening, students take part in a workshop run by one school's advisor.
This year, one of Hibarigaoka's advisors ran the workshop. In it, students from 10 schools did the following activities in groups made up of students from different schools:
1. Ice breaker activities to get to know the other members of their groups
2. Watching an explanation of how to use picture books with narration added to practice delivery of dramatic readings
3. Practicing dramatic readings
4. An improvisation warm up activity
5. Dramatic readings of the picture books in front of other groups.
Also, students had a drink and snack break when they could socialize freely.
The sudents all did a wonderful job and enjoyed themselves very much. We're looking forward to a year of great activities with them.