
- ホーム
- 世界へはばたく

In this lesson, the students worked with one-another in pairs to practice giving directions. The lesson begins with a practice dialog to introduce the idea of being lost in the city. Then the students are given maps of either New York or London. Their partner is given a list of places they want to go in that city. The students can then practice asking for and giving directions. Because the list of places and map are held by different students, the students must cooperate and communicate carefully to be successful.
This style of lesson, while simple, highlights a few important points. One, the maps are those used by every day English speakers. Using foreign materials can help to build confidence because the students are using the same materials as native speakers. Two, by allowing for a very free form of communication students of varying levels can participate using a variety of English. And three, it is a practical example of how English can be useful to the students. This promotes interest in English which can often seem too far removed from the students’ daily lives.
In practice, many of the students enjoyed the task. Higher level students could attempt more complex and varied directions. Such as leaving the subway station to walk to a closer station. Lower level students could communicate using those phrases that were practiced in the dialog: changing trains, riding for x number of stops, etc. In both cases, students had to adapt their English to fit the unique situations that their different maps provided.
This lesson also included a fast-finisher activity. Especially fast students were given an additional task. This was to create a short dialog about being lost in the city. This allows the students to think about what kind of language they used in the previous activity and apply that to a more formalized style of speaking.
(中高校ALT カイル・フランクリン)