

  • ホーム
  • 親孝行・やってみなはれ



If you’re going to do it, do it right.

As a child I often worked around the house with my father watching and helping him. In my mind he had a weird way of working and I used to wonder why he did things the way he did. I would say “Isn’t it easier to do it this way?” or “Doing it that way takes too much time.” but he would reply, “If you’re going to do it, do it right.” When I was a child, I did not really understand the weight these words carried.
As I grew, I started to realize that my father was always able to achieve great results in whatever he did. I finally started to understand why he would always say the same thing to me. I could see that he took pride in what he did because he knew others were relying on him. We should take pride in our work because the outcome affects more than just ourselves. Our families and co-workers rely on us just like my mom, sister and I relied on my dad. So, whether I am at home or work, I always try to remember what my father said, “If you’re going to do it, do it right.”.

 子どもの頃、私はよく父の仕事ぶりを見ながら一緒に家の周りで働き、お手伝いをしました。当時の私は、父の働きぶりはあまり効率が良くなくて、なぜそのやり方をするのか疑問に思っていました。私は「こうした方が簡単ではないですか? 」「それは時間がかかりすぎる。 」と言ったことがあります。しかし、父は、「自分でやると決めたなら、正しくていねいにやりなさい。」と答えたのです。子どもの頃、この言葉の重みがよくわかりませんでした。

(小学校 英語専科 T.R)